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Thema: Schriftart Agfa Rotis

  1. #16
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Ah, jetzt wird ein Schuh draus :-) Trotzdem vielen Dank :-)

  2. #17
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Vielleicht versuch ich nochmal den aktuellen Stand zusammenzufassen, damit hier nicht der Überblick verloren wird :-) Ich möchte Agfa Rotis als Schriftart einbinden und benutze pdflatex

    Der Weg von Ute hat leider nicht funktioniert, weshalb ich es jetzt wieder über das Tutorial von Walter Schmidt versuche. Das Ausführen von "installfont" (siehe unten) bringt mir jedoch die unten stehende Fehlermeldung (Codeauszug).

    Auch wundert mich bei der Auflistung der umbenannten Dateien, dass die Dateien nicht so heißen, wie bei der Umbenennung in der Anleitung von Walter Schmid . Ich hatte auch nirgends eine Möglichkeit, meine ttf bzw. pfb/afm Dateien anzugeben (ich habe allerdings "-t ttf" angegeben und meine ttf-Datei ins gleiche Verzeichnis gelegt).

    ich@mymachine:~/Downloads/installfont_v1.6$ sudo ./installfont -t ttf
    ./installfont: Zeile 26: cygpath: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    1) Convert font(s) to Postscript Type1
    Auto-detected front-end parser 'ttf'
     (use ttf2pt1 -p? to get the full list of available front-ends)
    Processing file AT646___.ttf
    Some font name strings are longer than 255 characters, cut down
    Some font name strings are in Unicode, may not show properly
    Some font name strings are longer than 255 characters, cut down
    Creating file AT646___.pfb
    numglyphs = 250
    Found Unicode Encoding
    Guessed italic angle: 0.000000
    Warning: glyph threequarters needs hint stack depth 128
      (limit 128): removed the substituted hints from it
    FontName AgfaRotisSansSerif
    Finished - font files created
    Try to rename the font(s) automatically? (y/n)
    2) Renaming fonts
    -rw-r--r-- 1 andi andi 18705 2010-11-16 14:05 5bbr8a.afm
    -rw-r--r-- 1 andi andi 60840 2010-11-16 14:05 5bbr8a.pfb
    Please check the font name(s). Continue? (y/n)
    3) Creating metrics and virtual fonts
    This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
    (./5bb-drv.tex (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/base/fontinst.sty
    No file fontinst.rc.
    INFO> parse family <5bb><>
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,m,n,> seek 5bbr8r.mtx
    INFO> run \transformfont  <5bbr8r> from <5bbr8a>
    Metrics written on 5bbr8a.mtx.
    Raw font written on
    (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/latinetx/8r.etx) (./5bbr8a.mtx)
    Transformed metrics written on 5bbr8r.mtx.
    Raw font written on
    INFO> run \installrawfont <5bbr8r><5bbr8r,8r><8r><8r><5bb>
    (./5bbr8r.mtx) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/latinmtx/8r.mtx)
    Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ffi'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Gamma'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Delta'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Theta'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Lambda'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Xi'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Pi'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Sigma'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Upsilon'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Phi'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Psi'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Omega'.
    Warning: missing glyph `lslashslash'.
    Virtual font written on 5bbrc7t.vpl.
    INFO> run \installfont <5bbrc8t><5bbr8r,newlatin><5bb>
    Warning: missing glyph `perthousandzero'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Eng'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Eng'.
    Virtual font written on 5bbrc8t.vpl.
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,m,sl,> seek 5bbro8r.mtx
    INFO> run \transformfont  <5bbro8r> from <5bbr8r> (faking oblique)
    Faking oblique font 5bbro8r from 5bbr8r
    Transformed metrics written on 5bbro8r.mtx.
    Raw font written on
    INFO> run \installrawfont <5bbro8r><5bbro8r,8r><8r><8r><5bb>
    (./5bbro8r.mtx) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/latinmtx/8r.mtx)
    Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ffi'.
    Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ffl'.
    Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `fi'.
    Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ff'.
    Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `fl'.
    ) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/latinetx/8r.etx)
    Font written on
    INFO> run \installfont <5bbro7t><5bbro8r,newlatin><5bb>
    (./5bbro8r.mtx) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/latinmtx/newlatin.mtx
    Warning: missing glyph `Gamma'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Delta'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Omega'.
    Warning: missing glyph `lslashslash'.
    Virtual font written on 5bbro7t.vpl.
    INFO> run \installfont <5bbro8t><5bbro8r,newlatin><5bb>
    Warning: missing glyph `perthousandzero'.
    Warning: missing glyph `Eng'.
    Warning: missing glyph `eng'.
    Virtual font written on 5bbro8t.vpl.
    INFO> run \installfont <5bbro8c><5bbro8r,textcomp><5bb>
    (./5bbro8r.mtx) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/smblmtx/textcomp.mtx)
    Warning: missing glyph `leaf'.
    Warning: missing glyph `married'.
    Warning: missing glyph `musicalnote'.
    Warning: missing glyph `baht'.
    Warning: missing glyph `numero'.
    Warning: missing glyph `discount'.
    Warning: missing glyph `estimated'.
    Warning: missing glyph `openbullet'.
    Warning: missing glyph `servicemark'.
    Warning: missing glyph `quillbracketleft'.
    Warning: missing glyph `quillbracketright'.
    Warning: missing glyph `copyleft'.
    Warning: missing glyph `circledP'.
    Warning: missing glyph `mu'.
    Warning: missing glyph `periodcentered'.
    Warning: missing glyph `referencemark'.
    Virtual font written on 5bbro8c.vpl.
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,m,it,> seek 5bbri8r.mtx
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,m,n,c> seek 5bbr8rn.mtx
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,m,sc,c> seek 5bbrc8rn.mtx
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,m,sl,c> seek 5bbro8rn.mtx
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,l,sl,c> seek 5bblo8rn.mtx
    INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <5bb,l,it,c> seek 5bbli8rn.mtx
    Font definitions written on 8r5bb.fd.
    Font definitions written on ot15bb.fd.
    Font definitions written on t15bb.fd.
    Font definitions written on ts15bb.fd.
    Font transformation records written on 5bb-rec.tex.
    No pages of output.
    Transcript written on 5bb-drv.log.
    4) Compiling metrics and virtual fonts
    I had to round some heights by 0.0170002 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0120001 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0195007 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0125008 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0195007 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0125008 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0074997 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0020008 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0125008 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0075006 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0174999 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0080004 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0055008 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0209999 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0080004 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0074997 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0020008 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0125008 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0075006 units.
    I had to round some heights by 0.0174999 units.
    I had to round some depths by 0.0080004 units.
    5) Creating the map file
    This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
    (./5bb-map.tex (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/fontinst/base/finstmsc.sty
    No file finstmsc.rc.
    ) (./5bb-rec.tex)
    Map file fragments written on
    No pages of output.
    Transcript written on 5bb-map.log.
    6) Creating the style file
    7) Insert scale factor into the fd files
    8) Installing font(s) and support files
    9) Update FileNameDataBase
    ./installfont: Zeile 571: initexmf: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    10) Include the map file
    Add the line 'Map' to the file in the opening editor.
    Save the file, close the editor and press RETURN to continue.
    ./installfont: Zeile 577: initexmf: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    11) Update map configuration
    ./installfont: Zeile 581: initexmf: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    The font(s) should be installed now!
    Weiß da jemand weiter?

  3. #18
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit

    ich glaube du hast das falsche installfont. Dein "sudo" weißt auf ein Linux-System hin. Das Skript meldet aber etwas von "cygpath", was auf eine Version für cygwin (Windows) hin weißt...

    installfont wird normalerweise von der LaTeX-Distro bereit gestellt...

    Ubuntu 16.04 -- TeX Live 2015 -- Emacs (AUCTeX, RefTeX)



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