Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : PSTricks

11-04-2010, 14:59
Hallo zusammen,
ich stehe vor folgendem Problem: ich möchte eine Graphic via Pstricks im mein Pdf-Dokument einbauen. Leider gelingt es mir nicht.

Was klappt ist, dass ich die Datei zuerst mit Latex komplimiere und ich erhalte eine .dvi Datei. Dort sehe ich die Grafik. Diese Datei komplimiere ich dann weiter in eine .ps-Datei. Dort sehe ich die Grafike auch noch. Wenn ich die .ps Datei dann in ein pdf-Dokument umwandeln möchte, geht leider gar nichts mehr.

Habt ihr eine Idee?

11-04-2010, 15:09
[...] Habt ihr eine Idee?
Nö. Zumindest nicht ohne komplettes Beispiel. Und gewöhne dir bitte gleich Sätze wie »geht leider gar nichts mehr« ab. Konkrete Fehlermeldungen müssen her.


11-04-2010, 16:31
Also, das Beispiel lautet:

\newpsstyle{Cblue}{fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue! 30}
\newpsstyle{Cred}{fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red!30 ,shadow=true}


[name=1,style=Cblue] 1 & [name=2,shadow=true] 2 & [name=3,style=Cred] 3
\endpsmatrix$ }

\caption{This is an example of a life-cycle diagram drawn using PStricks}



Die Fehler Meldung lautet:

11-04-2010 17:26:22: START /b/c1/c"C:\Programme\LEd\Batches\latex.bat" "C:\DOKUME~1\MATTHI~1\LOKALE~1\Temp" "exa0.tex" C:
Compile result: /b0 Error(s), /e/b0 Warning(s), /e/b/c2/c1 Page(s).
11-04-2010 17:26:23: STOP
11-04-2010 17:26:48: START /b/c1/c"C:\Programme\LEd\Batches\dvips.bat" "C:\DOKUME~1\MATTHI~1\LOKALE~1\Temp" "exa0" C:
11-04-2010 17:26:48: STOP
11-04-2010 17:28:49: START /b/c1/c"C:\Programme\LEd\Batches\dvipdf.bat" "C:\DOKUME~1\MATTHI~1\LOKALE~1\Temp" "exa0" C:
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->header=pstricks.pro<--
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->header=pst-algparser.pro<--
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->header=pst-dots.pro<--
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->header=pst-node.pro<--
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->" tx@Dict begin STP newpath 0.0 SLW 0.18 0 0 0.02...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin {5.00002 2 div 3.22221 14...
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->" tx@Dict begin STP newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray ...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin {5.00002 2 div 3.22221 14...
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->" tx@Dict begin STP newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray ...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin {5.00002 2 div 3.22221 14...
Unrecognized special ignored
Current input buffer is -->" tx@Dict begin STP newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray ...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin gsave STV newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray //Arrow...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin //t 0.5 def tx@NodeDict //HP...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin PutEnd end<--
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin gsave STV newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray //Arrow...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin //t 0.5 def tx@NodeDict //HP...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin PutEnd end<--
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin gsave STV newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray //Arrow...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin //t 0.5 def tx@NodeDict //HP...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin PutEnd end<--
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin gsave STV newpath 0.8 SLW 0 setgray //Arrow...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin tx@NodeDict begin //t .5 def LPut end PutBeg...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin NAngle RotBegin end<--
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin { 5.0 tx@Dict //NCLW known { NCLW add } if 27...
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin PutEnd end<--
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin RotEnd end<--
Ignoring remaining special text following unknown PS operator: "tx@Dict"
Remainder of line unparsed.
Current input buffer is -->begin
exa0.dvi -> exa0.pdf
PutEnd end<--
55839 bytes written
11-04-2010 17:28:49: STOP

Gruß M

11-04-2010, 16:39
Die Fehler Meldung lautet:

statt dvipdfm solltest du entweder xdvipdfmx oder besser
die Kette dvips=>ps2pdf nehmen.


11-04-2010, 17:09
Es ist nicht ganz klar, was dein dvipdf.bat genau tut. Wenn es dvips + ps2pdf aufruft, würde ich darauf tippen, dass dein pstricks oder dein ghostscript zu alt ist. Wenn dvipdf.bat aber dvipdfm(x) aufruft, willst du es vielleicht gar nicht benutzen, sondern dvips und ps2pdf.

12-04-2010, 14:21
Vielen Dank. Hat sich mittlerweile erledigt. Ich werde meine Zeichnungen mit der picture-Umgebung machen. Die reicht noch aus für meine Bedürfnisse.
