Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Auswahl richtiger tikz Grafik für drei Dimensionen

19-06-2009, 18:41

ich habe eine Frage, die eher Designtechnischer Natur ist. Im Rahmen meiner Abschlussarbeit habe ich eine Bewertung von 10 Ländern anhand 10 unterschiedlicher Kriterien vorgenommen. Der Bewertungsmaßstab reicht von "Poor" bis "Excellent".

Insgesamt habe ich somit drei Dimensionen:

a) Länder
b) Kriterien
c) Note/Bewertung

Ich habe nun versucht, dies in einer tikz Grafik darzustellen (siehe Anhang 1 Seite 2).

Leider geht die Aussagekraft bei dieser Grafik verloren, so dass die Grafik eher verwirrend, als helfend ist.

Hat daher jemand eine Idee, welches Grafikformat sich eignet, um diese Daten etwas anschaulicher darzustellen? Ich hatte zunächst an 10 Radardiagramme gedacht; eins pro Kriterium. Dies wirkt neben bzw. untereinander auch sehr unübersichtlich.

Falls jemand eine Idee hat, wäre ich sehr interessiert.

Ach ja, hier noch der Quellcode:

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper, headsepline]{scrreprt} % Papierformat, Schriftgröße, Dokumentenart

% Packages
\usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} % deutscher Schriftsatz
\usepackage{graphicx} % relevant für die Benutzung von Grafiken
\usepackage{marvosym} % wichtig für die Nutzung von Symbolen wir €
\usepackage{makeidx} % relevant für die Benutzung von Indexen
\usepackage{verbatim} % wörtliche Wiedergabe von Dateiinhalten etc.
\usepackage{longtable} % zur Verwendung der Longtables
\usepackage{colortbl} % wichtig für Farben in Tabelle siehe Longtable
\usepackage[ibidem=strict,commabeforerest,see,authorformat=abb rv,pages=format]{jurabib} % Literature
\usepackage{multibib} % für mehrere Literaturdatenbanken nebeneinander
\newcites{misc}{Internet Sources} % Name für Internetquellen
\usepackage{ragged2e} % Aussehen des Tabellen
\usepackage{multirow} % for multi column spans e.g. priority matrix
\usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} % Glossary
\usepackage[refpages]{gloss} % For Glossary
% Start: Modification of page header for Glossary (lowercase)
% End: Modification of page header for Glossary (lowercase)
\usepackage{pifont} % For numbers in circles, symbols
\usepackage[overload]{textcase} % for \MakeTextUppercase
\usepackage{url} % Für URLs
\DeclareRobustCommand{\urlformat}[1]{\url{#1}} % Für URLs
\usepackage{ulem} % für Textunterstreichungen
\usepackage{tikz} % für komplexe Grafiken
\usepackage{enumitem,varwidth} % für SWOT Grafik Ausrichtung
\usepackage[pdftex, bookmarks, colorlinks=false, pdftitle={A critical study of India as an offshore provider in the information and communication technology industry underlined by a practical example of Tata Consultancy Services}, pdfauthor={Stefan Jaeger}, pdfsubject={Master Thesis}, pdfkeywords={Stefan Jaeger, Master Thesis}]{hyperref} % PDF relevant attributes
\makeindex % Index rules on
\makeglossaries % Glossary rules on

% Colors
\definecolor{LightYellow}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.7} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{DarkYellow}{rgb}{1.0,.79,0} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{Lila}{rgb}{1.0,0.7,1.0} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{Haut}{rgb}{0.8,0.423,0.372} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{swotGreen}{rgb}{0.815, 0.855, 0.71}


\caption[Offshore Location Symbolics and Average Values]{Offshore Location Symbolics and Average Values}
\textbf{Offshore location} & \textbf{Symbolic element} & \textbf{Average value\footnotemark} \\
\hline \hline
Australia\index{Australia} & \color{blue}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 4,1 \\
China\index{China} & \color{yellow}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 3,0 \\
India\index{India} & \color{red}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 3,6 \\
Malaysia\index{Malaysia} & \color{brown}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 2,9 \\
New Zealand\index{New Zealand} & \color{gray}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 3,8 \\
Pakistan\index{Pakistan} & \color{orange}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 2,1 \\
Philippines\index{Philippines} & \color{green}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 3,1 \\
Singapore\index{Singapore} & \color{Lila}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 4,0 \\
Sri Lanka\index{Sri Lanka} & \color{pink}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 2,0 \\
Vietnam\index{Vietnam} & \color{Haut}\rule{1cm}{0.3cm} & 1,9 \\
\label{tab:offshore_location_symbolic_and_average_ value}
\footnotetext{Example Australia\index{Australia}: [5 (Language) + 3 (Government support) + 3 (Labor pool) + 5 (Infrastructure) + 4 (Educational system) + 2 (Costs) + 5 (Political and economic environment) + 5 (Cultural compatibility) + 4 (Global and legal maturity) + 5 (Security and privacy)] / 10 (Total number of criteria) = 4,1.}

% normale Skalierung (scale=1.0) entspricht: 1 TikZ-Einheit = 1 cm
% Der linke untere Punkt einer TikZ-Grafik hat (sofern nichts in den negativen
% Wertebereich 'übersteht') die Koordinaten (0,0), alle weiteren Elemente sind
% entsprechend dazu ausgerichtet.

% Hilfslinien (auskommentierbar)
\draw[color=lightgray,dashed] (-1,-1) grid (30,35);

% Außenrahmen

\draw (0,34) rectangle (29,0);
\draw (0,34) -- (9,30);

% Zwischenlinien y-Achse
\draw [dashed](13,30) -- (13,0);
\draw [dashed](17,30) -- (17,0);
\draw [dashed](21,30) -- (21,0);
\draw [dashed](25,30) -- (25,0);

% Zwischenlinien x-Achse
\draw [dashed](9,3) -- (29,3);
\draw [dashed](9,6) -- (29,6);
\draw [dashed](9,9) -- (29,9);
\draw [dashed](9,12) -- (29,12);
\draw [dashed](9,15) -- (29,15);
\draw [dashed](9,18) -- (29,18);
\draw [dashed](9,21) -- (29,21);
\draw [dashed](9,24) -- (29,24);
\draw [dashed](9,27) -- (29,27);

% y-Achse
\foreach \i/\desc in {1/Language,2/Government support,3/Labor Pool,
4/Infrastructure,5/Educational system,6/Cost,
7/Political and economic environment,8/Cultural compatibility,
9/Global and legal maturity,
10/Data and intellectual property{,} security and pricavy}
\draw (0,31.5-3*\i) node[anchor=west,text width=4cm] {\desc};
% Zeilengrenzen
\draw (0,30-3*\i) -- (9,30-3*\i);

\draw[very thick] (9,0) -- (9,34);

% x-Achse
\foreach \i/\desc in {1/Poor,2/Fair,3/Good,4/Very Good,5/Excellent}
\draw (7+4*\i,30) node[anchor=west,rotate=90] {\desc};
% Spaltengrenzen
\draw (9+4*\i,34) -- (9+4*\i,30);

\draw[very thick] (0,30) -- (29,30);

%% x-achse
% Poor = 11
% Fair = 15
% Good = 19
% Very Good = 23
% Excellent = 27

%% y-achse
% Language = 28.5
% Government = 25.5
% Labor = 22.5
% Infrastrastructure = 19.5
% Education = 16.5
% Cost = 13.5
% Politic = 10.5
% Cultural = 7.5
% Global = 4.5
% Data = 1.5

% Bullets Australia
\draw (25.5,27.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (17.5,24.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (17.5,21.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (25.5,18.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (21.5,15.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (13.5,12.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (25.5,9.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (25.5,6.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (21.5,3.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$} (25.5,0.5) node {\color{blue}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Australia
\draw[color=blue,thick] (25.5,27.5) -- (17.5,24.5) -- (17.5,21.5) -- (25.5,18.5) --
(21.5,15.5) -- (13.5,12.5) -- (25.5,9.5) -- (25.5,6.5) -- (21.5,3.5) -- (25.5,0.5);

% Bullets China
\draw (13.5,28.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (21.5,25.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (21.5,22.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (21.5,19.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (17.5,16.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (21.5,13.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (21.5,10.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (13.5,7.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (13.5,4.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$} (9.5,1.5) node {\color{yellow}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie China
\draw[color=yellow,thick] (13.5,28.5) -- (21.5,25.5) -- (21.5,22.5) -- (21.5,19.5) --
(17.5,16.5) -- (21.5,13.5) -- (21.5,10.5) -- (13.5,7.5) -- (13.5,4.5) -- (9.5,1.5);

% Bullets India
\draw (21.5,29.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (25.5,26.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (25.5,23.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (13.5,20.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (21.5,17.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (21.5,14.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (17.5,11.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (17.5,8.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (17.5,5.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$} (17.5,2.5) node {\color{red}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie India
\draw[color=red,thick] (21.5,29.5) -- (25.5,26.5) -- (25.5,23.5) -- (13.5,20.5) --
(21.5,17.5) -- (21.5,14.5) -- (17.5,11.5) -- (17.5,8.5) -- (17.5,5.5) -- (17.5,2.5);

% Bullets Malaysia
\draw (18.5,29.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,26.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,23.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,20.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,17.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,14.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,11.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,8.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (18.5,5.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$} (14.5,2.5) node {\color{brown}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Malaysia
\draw[color=brown,thick] (18.5,29.5) -- (18.5,26.5) -- (18.5,23.5) -- (18.5,20.5) --
(18.5,17.5) -- (18.5,14.5) -- (18.5,11.5) -- (18.5,8.5) -- (18.5,5.5) -- (14.5,2.5);

% Bullets New Zealand
\draw (27.5,29.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (15.5,26.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (15.5,23.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (23.5,20.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (23.5,17.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (15.5,14.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (27.5,11.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (27.5,8.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (23.5,5.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$} (27.5,2.5) node {\color{gray}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie New Zealand
\draw[color=gray,thick] (27.5,29.5) -- (15.5,26.5) -- (15.5,23.5) -- (23.5,20.5) --
(23.5,17.5) -- (15.5,14.5) -- (27.5,11.5) -- (27.5,8.5) -- (23.5,5.5) -- (27.5,2.5);

% Bullets Pakistan
\draw (20.5,29.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (16.5,26.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (16.5,23.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (16.5,20.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (16.5,17.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (24.5,14.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (12.5,11.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (16.5,8.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (16.5,5.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$} (12.5,2.5) node {\color{orange}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Pakistan
\draw[color=orange,thick] (20.5,29.5) -- (16.5,26.5) -- (16.5,23.5) -- (16.5,20.5) --
(16.5,17.5) -- (24.5,14.5) -- (12.5,11.5) -- (16.5,8.5) -- (16.5,5.5) -- (12.5,2.5);

% Bullets Philippines
\draw (24.5,28.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (20.5,25.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (20.5,22.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (20.5,19.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (20.5,16.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (24.5,13.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (16.5,10.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (24.5,7.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (20.5,4.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$} (16.5,1.5) node {\color{green}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Philippines
\draw[color=green,thick] (24.5,28.5) -- (20.5,25.5) -- (20.5,22.5) -- (20.5,19.5) --
(20.5,16.5) -- (24.5,13.5) -- (16.5,10.5) -- (24.5,7.5) -- (20.5,4.5) -- (16.5,1.5);

% Bullets Singapore
\draw (24.5,27.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (24.5,24.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (20.5,21.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (28.5,18.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (24.5,15.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (16.5,12.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (28.5,9.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (24.5,6.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (28.5,3.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$} (24.5,0.5) node {\color{Lila}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Singapore
\draw[color=Lila,thick] (24.5,27.5) -- (24.5,24.5) -- (20.5,21.5) -- (28.5,18.5) --
(24.5,15.5) -- (16.5,12.5) -- (28.5,9.5) -- (24.5,6.5) -- (28.5,3.5) -- (24.5,0.5);

% Bullets Sri Lanka
\draw (14.5,27.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (14.5,24.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (14.5,21.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (10.5,18.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (14.5,15.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (22.5,12.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (10.5,9.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (14.5,6.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (14.5,3.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$} (10.5,0.5) node {\color{pink}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Sri Lanka
\draw[color=pink,thick] (14.5,27.5) -- (14.5,24.5) -- (14.5,21.5) -- (10.5,18.5) --
(14.5,15.5) -- (22.5,12.5) -- (10.5,9.5) -- (14.5,6.5) -- (14.5,3.5) -- (10.5,0.5);

% Bullets Vietnam
\draw (11.5,27.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (11.5,24.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (15.5,21.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (11.5,18.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (15.5,15.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (27.5,12.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (15.5,9.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (15.5,6.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (15.5,3.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$} (11.5,0.5) node {\color{Haut}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Vietnam
\draw[color=Haut,thick] (11.5,27.5) -- (11.5,24.5) -- (15.5,21.5) -- (11.5,18.5) --
(15.5,15.5) -- (27.5,12.5) -- (15.5,9.5) -- (15.5,6.5) -- (15.5,3.5) -- (11.5,0.5);

\caption[Results of Key Offshore Locations in the Asia/Pacific Market]{Results of Key Offshore Locations in the Asia/Pacific Market}
\label{fig:graphical_comparison_offshore_locations }

19-06-2009, 19:06

warum machst du nicht auf der x-achse die bewertung poor....excellent und dann zu jedem schritt 10 balken wie die länder zueinander stehen.

ähnlich dem diagramm auf seite 39 unten von pgfplots (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.pdf)


19-06-2009, 19:53
Ich finde den Vorschlag sehr gut.

Habe mich zunächst mal in Excel versucht (siehe Anhang). Wenn man dann noch den Druchschnittswert pro Kriterium markiert, kann man wohl was mit der Grafik anfangen.

Hat jemand eine schnelle Idee, wie ich mein Code (siehe oben) den neuen Anforderungen anpassen kann?


19-06-2009, 21:54

ich habe den Code nun geändert.

Das Ergebnis sieht schon ganz passabel aus (siehe Anhang). Ich würde jetzt gerne noch ein paar Freiräume bzw. Zwischenräume zwischen den einzelnen Kriterien (siehe y-Achse) einfügen, damit das nicht so gedrungen wird.

Kennt jemand eine Lösung, wie ich diesen Zwischenraum einfügen kann, ohne dass ich die Werte aller Scheifen ändern muss??

Hier der Code:

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper, headsepline]{scrreprt} % Papierformat, Schriftgröße, Dokumentenart

% Packages
\usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} % deutscher Schriftsatz
\usepackage{graphicx} % relevant für die Benutzung von Grafiken
\usepackage{marvosym} % wichtig für die Nutzung von Symbolen wir €
\usepackage{makeidx} % relevant für die Benutzung von Indexen
\usepackage{verbatim} % wörtliche Wiedergabe von Dateiinhalten etc.
\usepackage{longtable} % zur Verwendung der Longtables
\usepackage{colortbl} % wichtig für Farben in Tabelle siehe Longtable
\usepackage[ibidem=strict,commabeforerest,see,authorformat=abb rv,pages=format]{jurabib} % Literature
\usepackage{multibib} % für mehrere Literaturdatenbanken nebeneinander
\newcites{misc}{Internet Sources} % Name für Internetquellen
\usepackage{ragged2e} % Aussehen des Tabellen
\usepackage{multirow} % for multi column spans e.g. priority matrix
\usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} % Glossary
\usepackage[refpages]{gloss} % For Glossary
% Start: Modification of page header for Glossary (lowercase)
% End: Modification of page header for Glossary (lowercase)
\usepackage{pifont} % For numbers in circles, symbols
\usepackage[overload]{textcase} % for \MakeTextUppercase
\usepackage{url} % Für URLs
\DeclareRobustCommand{\urlformat}[1]{\url{#1}} % Für URLs
\usepackage{ulem} % für Textunterstreichungen
\usepackage{tikz} % für komplexe Grafiken
\usepackage{enumitem,varwidth} % für SWOT Grafik Ausrichtung
\usepackage[pdftex, bookmarks, colorlinks=false, pdftitle={A critical study of India as an offshore provider in the information and communication technology industry underlined by a practical example of Tata Consultancy Services}, pdfauthor={Stefan Jaeger}, pdfsubject={Master Thesis}, pdfkeywords={Stefan Jaeger, Master Thesis}]{hyperref} % PDF relevant attributes
\makeindex % Index rules on
\makeglossaries % Glossary rules on

% Colors
\definecolor{LightYellow}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.7} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{DarkYellow}{rgb}{1.0,.79,0} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{Lila}{rgb}{1.0,0.7,1.0} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{Haut}{rgb}{0.8,0.423,0.372} % Predefined color for table e.g.
\definecolor{swotGreen}{rgb}{0.815, 0.855, 0.71}


% normale Skalierung (scale=1.0) entspricht: 1 TikZ-Einheit = 1 cm
% Der linke untere Punkt einer TikZ-Grafik hat (sofern nichts in den negativen
% Wertebereich 'übersteht') die Koordinaten (0,0), alle weiteren Elemente sind
% entsprechend dazu ausgerichtet.

% Hilfslinien (auskommentierbar)
\draw[color=lightgray,dashed] (-1,-1) grid (30,35);

% Außenrahmen

\draw (0,34) rectangle (29,0);
\draw (0,34) -- (9,30);

% Zwischenlinien y-Achse
%\draw [dashed](11,30) -- (11,0);
%\draw [dashed](15,30) -- (15,0);
%\draw [dashed](19,30) -- (19,0);
%\draw [dashed](23,30) -- (23,0);
%\draw [dashed](27,30) -- (27,0);

%% Zwischenlinien x-Achse
%\draw [dashed](9,3) -- (29,3);
%\draw [dashed](9,6) -- (29,6);
%\draw [dashed](9,9) -- (29,9);
%\draw [dashed](9,12) -- (29,12);
%\draw [dashed](9,15) -- (29,15);
%\draw [dashed](9,18) -- (29,18);
%\draw [dashed](9,21) -- (29,21);
%\draw [dashed](9,24) -- (29,24);
%\draw [dashed](9,27) -- (29,27);

% y-Achse
\foreach \i/\desc in {1/Language,2/Government support,3/Labor Pool,
4/Infrastructure,5/Educational system,6/Cost,
7/Political and economic environment,8/Cultural compatibility,
9/Global and legal maturity,
10/Data and intellectual property{,} security and pricavy}
\draw (0,31.5-3*\i) node[anchor=west,text width=4cm] {\desc};
% Zeilengrenzen
\draw (0,30-3*\i) -- (9,30-3*\i);

\draw[very thick] (9,0) -- (9,34);

% x-Achse
\foreach \i/\desc in {1/Poor,2/Fair,3/Good,4/Very Good,5/Excellent}
\draw (7+4*\i,30) node[anchor=west,rotate=90] {\desc};
% Spaltengrenzen
\draw (9+4*\i,34) -- (9+4*\i,30);

\draw[very thick] (0,30) -- (29,30);

%% x-achse
% 1: Poor = 11
% 2: Fair = 15
% 3: Good = 19
% 4: Very Good = 23
% 5: Excellent = 27

%% y-achse
% Language = 30
% Government = 27
% Labor = 24
% Infrastrastructure = 21
% Education = 18
% Cost = 15
% Politic = 12
% Cultural = 9
% Global = 6
% Data = 3

% Balken Language
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {27/30/blue, 15/29.7/yellow, 23/29.4/red, 19/29.1/brown, 27/28.8/gray, 19/28.5/orange, 23/28.2/green, 23/27.9/Lila, 15/27.6/pink, 11/27.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Government Support
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {19/27/blue, 23/26.7/yellow, 27/26.4/red, 19/26.1/brown, 15/25.8/gray, 15/25.5/orange, 19/25.2/green, 23/24.9/Lila, 15/24.6/pink, 11/24.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Labor Pool
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {19/24/blue, 23/23.7/yellow, 27/23.4/red, 19/23.1/brown, 15/22.8/gray, 15/22.5/orange, 19/22.2/green, 19/21.9/Lila, 15/21.6/pink, 15/21.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Infrastructure
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {27/21/blue, 23/20.7/yellow, 15/20.4/red, 19/20.1/brown, 23/19.8/gray, 15/19.5/orange, 19/19.2/green, 27/18.9/Lila, 11/18.6/pink, 11/18.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Educational System
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {23/18/blue, 19/17.7/yellow, 23/17.4/red, 19/17.1/brown, 23/16.8/gray, 15/16.5/orange, 19/16.2/green, 23/15.9/Lila, 15/15.6/pink, 15/15.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Cost
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {15/15/blue, 23/14.7/yellow, 23/14.4/red, 19/14.1/brown, 15/13.8/gray, 23/13.5/orange, 23/13.2/green, 15/12.9/Lila, 23/12.6/pink, 27/12.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Political and Economic Stability
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {27/12/blue, 23/11.7/yellow, 19/11.4/red, 19/11.1/brown, 27/10.8/gray, 11/10.5/orange, 15/10.2/green, 27/9.9/Lila, 11/9.6/pink, 15/9.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Cultural Compatibility
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {27/9/blue, 15/8.7/yellow, 19/8.4/red, 19/8.1/brown, 27/7.8/gray, 15/7.5/orange, 23/7.2/green, 23/6.9/Lila, 15/6.6/pink, 15/6.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Global Maturity
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {23/6/blue, 15/5.7/yellow, 19/5.4/red, 19/5.1/brown, 23/4.8/gray, 15/4.5/orange, 19/4.2/green, 27/3.9/Lila, 15/3.6/pink, 15/3.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Balken Security and Privacy
\foreach \wert/\y/\farbe in {27/3/blue, 11/2.7/yellow, 19/2.4/red, 15/2.1/brown, 27/1.8/gray, 11/1.5/orange, 15/1.2/green, 23/0.9/Lila, 11/0.6/pink, 11/0.3/Haut}
\draw [fill=\farbe](9,\y) rectangle (\wert,\y-0.3);

% Kreuze Durchschnittswert
\draw (20.2,28.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (18.6,25.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (18.6,22.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (19,19.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (19.4,16.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (20.6,13.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (19.4,10.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (19.8,7.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (19,4.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$} (17,1.5) node {\color{black}$\bullet$};

% Verbindungslinie Durchschnittswert
\draw[color=black,very thick] (20.2,28.5) -- (18.6,25.5) -- (18.6,22.5) -- (19,19.5) --
(19.4,16.5) -- (20.6,13.5) -- (19.4,10.5) -- (19.8,7.5) -- (19,4.5) -- (17,1.5);

\caption[Results of Key Offshore Locations in the Asia/Pacific Market]{Results of Key Offshore Locations in the Asia/Pacific Market}
\label{fig:graphical_comparison_offshore_locations }