Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Mindmap mit tikzpicture

02-04-2009, 19:15

ich erstelle eine Mindmap mit tikzpicture.

Der Code hierfür sieht wie folgt aus.

\path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
node[concept] {Sourcing}
[clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green!50!black] {
node[concept] {Location}
%[clockwise from=90]
child { node[concept] {Global Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Offshore Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Farshore Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Nearshore Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Onshore Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Onsite Sourcing} }
child[concept color=blue] {
node[concept] {Financial Dependencies}
%[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {Captive Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Joint Venture} }
child { node[concept] {External Outsourcing} }
child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {Degree of external performance sourcing}
%[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {Total Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Smart Outsourcing, Outtasking} }
child { node[concept] {Total Insourcing} }
child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {Strategical Aspects}
%[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {Co-Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Transitional Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Transformational Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Value-added Outsourcing} }
child[concept color=brown] { node[concept] {Time-Scale Aspects}
%[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {Insourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Backsourcing} }
child[concept color=yellow] { node[concept] {Number of Sourcing Partners}
%[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {Single Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Double Sourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Multi Sourcing} }
child[concept color=pink] { node[concept] {Degree of Business Orientation}
%[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {Infrastructure Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Application Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Business Process Outsourcing} }
child { node[concept] {Knowledge Process Outsourcing} }

Leider ragt die Grafik ausserhalb meines Seitenrandes (Din A4 Hochformat). Ausserdem werden die Childnotes nicht immer symmetrisch um den Parentnode gruppiert.

Kennst einer von euch eine Möglichkeit die Grafik z.b. zu verkleinern und die Nodes symmetrisch zu gruppieren?

02-04-2009, 20:11
Hallo Stefan,

so könntest Du skalieren:

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.6,transform shape]


02-04-2009, 20:45
Danke. Das hilft schonmal zum Verkleinern der Grafik.

Leider werden die sieben Childs immer noch nicht symmetrisch um den Parent sortiert. Kann diesbezüglich auch noch jemand helfen?

02-04-2009, 20:58
Vielleicht so:





[scale=.8,transform shape,mindmap,text=white,concept color=black,
every node/.style={concept},
level 1 concept/.append style={sibling angle=45,font=\small},
level 2 concept/.append style={sibling angle=40,font=\tiny}]

\node {Sourcing} [clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green!50!black] {
node at (90:2) {Location} [clockwise from=90]
child { node {Global Sourcing} }
child { node {Offshore Sourcing} }
child { node {Farshore Sourcing} }
child { node {Nearshore Sourcing} }
child { node {Onshore Sourcing} }
child { node {Onsite Sourcing} }
child[concept color=yellow] {
node {Number of Sourcing Partners} [clockwise from=0]
child { node {Single Sourcing} }
child { node {Double Sourcing} }
child { node {Multi Sourcing} }
child[concept color=brown] {
node {Time-Scale Aspects} [clockwise from=-45]
child { node {Insourcing} }
child { node {Outsourcing} }
child { node {Backsourcing} }
child[concept color=orange] {
node {Strategical Aspects} [clockwise from=-90]
child { node {Co-Sourcing} }
child { node {Transitional Outsourcing} }
child { node {Transforma\-tional Out\-sourcing} }
child { node {Value-added Outsourcing} }
child[concept color=red] {
node {Degree of external performance sourcing} [clockwise from=200]
child { node {Total Outsourcing} }
child { node {Smart Outsourcing, Outtasking} }
child { node {Total Insourcing} }
child[concept color=blue] {
node {Financial Dependencies} [clockwise from=150]
child { node {Captive Outsourcing} }
child { node {Joint Venture} }
child { node {External Outsourcing} }
child[concept color=pink] {
node {Degree of Business Orientation} [clockwise from=90]
child { node {Infrastruc\-ture Out\-sourcing} }
child { node {Application Outsourcing} }
child { node {Business Process Outsourcing} }
child { node {Knowledge Process Outsourcing} }


Irgendwie haut mich die mindmap insgesamt nicht so vom Hocker.

(Edit: Also die TikZ-Library, nicht deine. ;))

Netter Link dazu: http://www.statistiker-wg.de/pgf/tutorials/mindmap.htm



02-04-2009, 21:06
Weltklasse! Das ist das wonach ich gesucht habe.

Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe. Ich wünschte, ich könnte mir das auch so aneignen...

Naja, thanks a lot.
