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08-07-2008, 21:44
Servus! :-)

ich habe das schon bei Mawai erwähnte Problem
Nur schreibe ich ohne Silbetrennung.:
Bei meinem Dokument gibt es gelegentl. Problem mit dem automatischen Zeilenumbruch.
Es wird gelegentl. Über den Rand hinausgeschrieben.
Wie kann ich das beheben?
Eigentlich tritt das Problem nur mit der \large Schrift auf...

Hierunter ein Minibeispiel:





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\renewcommand{\fnum@figure}{\small\textbf{\figuren ame~\thefigure}}

The power of all kinds of chips soars up while their size keeps on being reduced. For instance, personal digital assistants become still more powerful but consume less current and are easier to cool down. Copper-based chips are semiconductor integrated circuits. They use copper for interconnections but this metal diffuses rapidly into silicon and could provoke fatal degradation of device performance if there were not a metallic diffusion barrier such as TaN or Ta/TaN. With too thin a diffusion barrier, the copper contacts poison the very devices that they connect; with too thick a diffusion barrier, the stack of two barrier metal films and a copper conductor have too great a total resistance.

Much research in this field has already been done. Understanding better the composition and structure of these films, however, would allow the SEZ (Semiconductor Equipment und Zubeh\"{o}r) company to know better how they behave under current and to determine more precisely how the chip components can be minimized.

SEZ produces chip processing machines. The Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics of the University of Technology of Vienna (TU-Vienna) received from SEZ samples of ``TaN\_Cu$^{seed}$\_Cu$^{elec}$" and ``TaN\_Ta\_Cu$^{seed}$" thin films to analyse their composition and structure. These films were given mounted on a Si(100) wafer. They have been mainly analysed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD). With the view to determine more readily their composition and the structure of their different constituting layers, some films have been etched once, other twice, so that in this way the layer on the surface went away and the layer just underneath appeared. The Rietveld method has been employed by the TOPAS program to identify the phases, texture (the more or less random distribution of crystallites) and distorsion.(((bzw. The random strains due to dislocations can be quantified, both theoretically and experimentally through spectroscopy [3, 4]. The key characteristics are the magnitude characterizing these strains, and the scale length over which these strain fields change significantly. The strain to which we refer is a linear combination of the components of the strain tensor, the precise combination chosen to match the problem under consideration. For dislocations, theory and experiment agree that the distribution of strain fields is roughly Gaussian, so a root mean square (rms) strain can be defined.)))titre:Dislocation-induced birefringence in CaF2 for lithography optics, auteur:A M Stoneham, journal: Semiconductor Science and Technology 17 No 5 (May 2002) L15-L16)))). The Kiessig method has been used to determine the thickness a ``TaN" film. X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) imparted knowledge about the composition of this film. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) helped assign the layer thicknesses of the ``TaN\_Ta\_Cu$^{seed}$" film and also gave information about their composition.
In parallel complementary experiments such as Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) and reflectometry were made by the companies ECHEM and PANalytical, respectively. The latter analysed besides very accurately the ``TaN\_Cu$^{seed}$\_Cu$^{elec}$" and ``TaN" films with XRD.

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Auf eine Hilfe freue ich mich! :-) :-) :-)

09-07-2008, 06:57
Du hast absichtlich keine Silbentrennung aktiviert?
Wenn ja, dann probier mal "sloppy", das lockert die Zeilenumbruch-Regeln.

09-07-2008, 08:28
Danke Xenara,

ich möchte keine Silbetrennung überhaupt.
Mit \sloppy habe ich schon manche.
Merkwürdig ist ja, dass ohne \large Schrift gibt es kein Problem.
Hierunter ein kleineres Beispiel:






\hyphenpenalty 10000



The power of all kinds of chips soars up while their size keeps on being reduced. For instance, personal digital assistants become still more powerful but consume less current and are easier to cool down. Copper-based chips are semiconductor integrated circuits. They use copper for interconnections but this metal diffuses rapidly into silicon and could provoke fatal degradation of device performance if there were not a metallic diffusion barrier such as TaN or Ta/TaN. With too thin a diffusion barrier, the copper contacts poison the very devices that they connect; with too thick a diffusion barrier, the stack of two barrier metal films and a copper conductor have too great a total resistance.

Much research in this field has already been done. Understanding better the composition and structure of these films, however, would allow the SEZ (Semiconductor Equipment und Zubeh\"{o}r) company to know better how they behave under current and to determine more precisely how the chip components can be minimized.

SEZ produces chip processing machines. The Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics of the University of Technology of Vienna (TU-Vienna) received from SEZ samples of ``TaN\_Cu$^{seed}$\_Cu$^{elec}$" and ``TaN\_Ta\_Cu$^{seed}$" thin films to analyse their composition and structure. These films were given mounted on a Si(100) wafer. They have been mainly analysed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD). With the view to determine more readily their composition and the structure of their different constituting layers, some films have been etched once, other twice, so that in this way the layer on the surface went away and the layer just underneath appeared. The Rietveld method has been employed by the TOPAS program to identify the phases, texture (the more or less random distribution of crystallites) and distorsion.(((bzw. The random strains due to dislocations can be quantified, both theoretically and experimentally through spectroscopy [3, 4]. The key characteristics are the magnitude characterizing these strains, and the scale length over which these strain fields change significantly. The strain to which we refer is a linear combination of the components of the strain tensor, the precise combination chosen to match the problem under consideration. For dislocations, theory and experiment agree that the distribution of strain fields is roughly Gaussian, so a root mean square (rms) strain can be defined.)))titre:Dislocation-induced birefringence in CaF2 for lithography optics, auteur:A M Stoneham, journal: Semiconductor Science and Technology 17 No 5 (May 2002) L15-L16)))). The Kiessig method has been used to determine the thickness a ``TaN" film. X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) imparted knowledge about the composition of this film. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) helped assign the layer thicknesses of the ``TaN\_Ta\_Cu$^{seed}$" film and also gave information about their composition.
In parallel complementary experiments such as Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) and reflectometry were made by the companies ECHEM and PANalytical, respectively. The latter analysed besides very accurately the ``TaN\_Cu$^{seed}$\_Cu$^{elec}$" and ``TaN" films with XRD.

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09-07-2008, 08:41
Das Beispiel funktioniert bei mir leider nur ohne \initfloatingfigs, das gibt bei mir einen Fehler.
Wenn ich mit sloppy arbeite, funktioniert es aber prima, dazu siehts bei mir im Header so aus:

09-07-2008, 12:09

nur zur Info, die Frage wurde auch hier (http://www.cqf.info/forum/viewtopic.php?p=10712#10712) gestellt, ein Lösungsvorschlag durch Anpassung von interword stretch/shrink (\fontdimen3 bzw. \fontdimen4) gegeben.

Viele Grüße,


09-07-2008, 12:58
Vielen vielen vielen Dank!
Dank auch Xenara für das Versuchen!