Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : doppelt unterstreichen

05-12-2007, 19:27
Hallo zusammen,

ich stelle gerade einen größeren Text in Lyx 1.5.2 zusammen. Einzelne Wörter will ich doppelt unterstreichen. \uuline klappt bei mir nicht.

Wie bekomme ich das hin?

Gruß Matthias

05-12-2007, 21:00
Kurz ergoogelt:

LaTeX folks (at least Leslie Lamport) seem to frown on the use of underlining but if you do like to use it, the package ulem.sty is your friend. With \usepackage{ulem}, you have the following new commands:

* \uline{important} underlined text
* \uuline{urgent} double-underlined text
* \uwave{boat} wavy underline
* \sout{wrong} line drawn through word
* \xout{removed} marked over with //////.
* {\em phasized\/} and \emph{asized} In LaTeX, by default, these are underlined; use \normalem or [normalem] to restore italics
* \useunder{\uwave}{\bfseries}{\textbf} use wavy underline in place of bold face

Note that this package changes \em and \emph to be underline. To change this behavior back to normal, use the \normalem command, for example
