Sorry, diesen Super Editor muss man einfach promoten.

Erhältlich unter:

Changelog 1.5.2 -> 1.6
new editor (katepart)
project management
auto-complete environments
statistics dialog for document (word count)
can open multiple files in one go (using the open file dialog or the sidebar)
launch you favorite BibTeX editor using the bilbiographies found in your docum ent
interaction with gBib and pyBliographer
restore files and projects on start up (optional)
checking whether or not the document is a LaTeX root before compile is optiona l now
structure view: jump to line AND column, allow multiple labels on one line, al low space between \struct and { }, don't parse structure elemented that are out-commented
configurable shortcuts to focus log/messages, output, konsole, editor views (r esp. ctrl+alt+m,o,k,e)
more advanced \includegraphics dialog
check if file is modified on disk
highligthing inside math environments
allow user to set PS-PDF, DVI-PS, PDF-PS, BibTeX, makeindex commands