
ich habe kürzlich ein nettes Circle Clock Screenlet entdeckt.
Vermutlich wird es nicht mehr weiterentwickelt, aber es funktioniert noch und tut was es soll.
Es handelt sich dabei um das Screenlet von chh-gx7.deviantart.com, das in Python geschrieben ist.
Die Uhr gefällt mir sehr gut, da sie den Desktop nicht behindert, wie es leider bei vielen Cairo Clocks der Fall ist. Mich stört allerdings die Sekundenanzeige etwas, daher würde ich diese gerne aus der Uhr entfernen. Lieder habe ich keine Erfahrung mit Python, sodass ich selbst nach einigen Stunden googlen und probieren nicht weiter gekommen bin. Da ich den Sekundenring nicht benötige, braucht der nicht erhalten bleiben, falls an der Art der Abfrage der Uhrzeit etwas geändert werden muss.

Ich hoffe, jemand von euch kann mir dabei helfen die Uhrzeit auf Stunden und Minuten zur reduzieren (siehe Bild).

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

hier ist der Code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This application is released under the GNU General Public License 
# v3 (or, at your option, any later version). You can find the full 
# text of the license under http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt. 
# By using, editing and/or distributing this software you agree to 
# the terms and conditions of this license. 
# Thank you for using free software!

#SensorScreenlet (c) Whise <helder.fraga@hotmail.com>

import screenlets
from screenlets import sensors
from screenlets.options import FloatOption, BoolOption, StringOption, IntOption, ColorOption, FontOption
import cairo
import pango
import sys
import gobject
import math

class CircleClockScreenlet(screenlets.Screenlet):
	"""Circle Clock Screenlet."""

	# default meta-info for Screenlets
	__name__ = 'CircleClockScreenlet'
	__version__ = '0.7'
	__author__ = 'chh-gx7.deviantart.com'
	__desc__ = 'Circle Clock Screenlet.'

	# internals
	__timeout = None

	# settings
	update_interval = 1
	show_text = True
	show_time24 = True
	text_prefix = '<span size="xx-small" rise="10000"></span><b>'
	text_suffix = '</b>'
	text_font = "Sans 25"
	font_name = "Sans"
	font_size = 25
	color_back = (1, 1, 1, 0.6)
	color_front =(1, 1, 1, 0.9)
	color_text = (1, 1, 1, 1)
	color_hour = (1, 1, 1, 0.8)
	color_seconds = (1, 1, 1, 0.7)
	sensor = 'CircleClock'
	hour = 0
	min = 0
	sec = 0
	new_time = 0
	day = ''
	show_hour_ring = False
	show_seconds_ring = False
	radius = 86
	y_position = 52
	thin_line = 5
	thick_line = 10

	# constructor
	def __init__(self,**keyword_args):
		screenlets.Screenlet.__init__(self, width=200, height=200, 
			uses_theme=True, **keyword_args)

		self.theme_name = "default"
		# add default menu items
		# add settings
		self.add_options_group('Clock', 'Clock appearance options')

		self.add_option(BoolOption('Clock', 'show_text',
			self.show_text, 'Show Text', 'Show the text on the clock face.'))
		self.add_option(BoolOption('Clock', 'show_time24',
			self.show_time24, '24 Hour time', 'Show hours with 24 hour format'))
			self.color_back, 'Background color', 'Background color of clock ring'))
			self.color_front, 'Front color', 'Front color of clock ring'))
			self.color_text, 'Text color', 'Text color of date/time display'))
		self.add_option(IntOption('Clock', 'radius',
			self.radius, 'Radius',
			'Radius of Front(minutes) circle', min=70, max=90))
		self.add_option(IntOption('Clock', 'y_position',
			self.y_position, 'Y position',
			'Y position of Clock text', min=50, max=100))
		self.add_option(IntOption('Clock', 'update_interval',
			self.update_interval, 'Update interval',
			'Update interval for clock in seconds', min=1, max=60))
		self.add_options_group('Additional', 'Additional Clock appearance options')

		self.add_option(BoolOption('Additional', 'show_hour_ring',
			self.show_hour_ring, 'Show Hours circle', 'Show ring for hours additionally'))
		self.add_option(ColorOption('Additional', 'color_hour',
			self.color_hour, 'Hour color', 'Circle Color of Hour'))
		self.add_option(BoolOption('Additional', 'show_seconds_ring',
			self.show_seconds_ring, 'Show Seconds circle', 'Show ring for seconds additionally'))
		self.add_option(ColorOption('Additional', 'color_seconds',
			self.color_seconds, 'Seconds color', 'Circle Color of Seconds'))

		self.add_options_group('Font', 'Font selection')

		self.add_option(FontOption('Font', 'text_font',
			self.text_font, 'Font lookup', 'Just lookup for fonts'))
		self.add_option(StringOption('Font', 'font_name',
			self.font_name, 'Font', 'Font of the clock text'), realtime=False)
		self.add_option(IntOption('Font', 'font_size',
			self.font_size, 'Size', 'Font size', min=10, max=26))

		# init the timeout function
		self.update_interval = self.update_interval

		self.radius = 86
		self.y_position = 52
		# these will be additional options too?
		self.thin_line = 5
		self.thick_line = 10

	def on_init(self):

	# attribute-"setter", handles setting of attributes
	def __setattr__(self, name, value):
		# call Screenlet.__setattr__ in baseclass (ESSENTIAL!!!!)
		screenlets.Screenlet.__setattr__(self, name, value)
		# check for this Screenlet's attributes, we are interested in:
		if name == "update_interval":
			if value > 0:
				self.__dict__['update_interval'] = value
				if self.__timeout:
				self.__timeout = gobject.timeout_add(int(value * 1000), self.update)
				# TODO: raise exception!!!
				self.__dict__['update_interval'] = 1

	# timeout-function
	def update(self):
		self.sensor = sensors.cal_get_local_date()
		self.new_time = sensors.cal_get_time()
		if self.show_time24 == False:
			self.new_time = sensors.cal_get_time12()[0:8]
		self.hour = sensors.cal_get_hour()
		self.min = sensors.cal_get_minute()
		self.sec = sensors.cal_get_second()
		self.day = sensors.cal_get_day_name()

		return True

	def on_draw(self, ctx):

		ctx.scale(self.scale, self.scale)
		# draw bg (if theme available)
		#always draw the hour ring with 12 hour format coz it's quicker readable.
		h = int(sensors.cal_get_hour12())*30
		m = int(self.min)*6 #draw whole minute ring within 60 minutes
		s = int(self.sec)*6

		ctx.set_line_width (self.thick_line)
		ctx.arc (self.width/2,self.height/2,self.radius,0,math.pi*2) # Arc(cx, cy, radius, start_angle, stop_angle)
		ctx.set_line_width (self.thick_line)
		ctx.stroke ()
			ctx.arc (self.width/2,self.height/2,self.radius,-math.pi/2,(m*math.pi)/180 -math.pi/2) # Arc(cx, cy, radius, start_angle, stop_angle)
			if self.show_hour_ring == True:
				ctx.stroke ()
				ctx.set_line_width (self.thin_line)
				ctx.arc (self.width/2,self.height/2,self.radius-self.thin_line-2,-math.pi/2,(h*math.pi)/180 -math.pi/2)
			if self.show_seconds_ring == True:
				ctx.stroke ()
				ctx.set_line_width (self.thin_line)
				ctx.arc (self.width/2,self.height/2,self.radius+self.thin_line+2,-math.pi/2,(s*math.pi)/180 -math.pi/2)

		#ctx.set_source_rgb (0.3, 0.2, 0.5) # Solid color
		ctx.stroke ()
		# draw text
		if len(str(self.new_time))==7:
			self.new_time = "0" + str(self.new_time)

		if self.show_text == True:
			text = '<small><small><small>' + self.sensor + '</small></small></small>\n' + self.text_prefix + str(self.new_time) + self.text_suffix + '\n' + '<small><small><small>' + self.day + '</small></small></small>'
			if self.theme:self.theme.draw_text(ctx,text, 0, self.y_position, self.font_name, self.font_size, self.width,pango.ALIGN_CENTER)

	def on_draw_shape(self,ctx):

# If the program is run directly or passed as an argument to the python
# interpreter then create a Screenlet instance and show it
if __name__ == "__main__":
	import screenlets.session