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Thema: Package Acronym Abkürzungsverzeichnis nach Inhaltsverzeichnis


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    Möglicherweise kommt es auch darauf an, wie du deine Kopfzeile erzeugst. Hier ein adaptiertes Beispiel aus der Paketdoku:
    % Layout
    \acro{CDMA}{Code Division Multiple Access}
    \acro{GSM}{Global System for Mobile communication}
    \acro{NA}[\ensuremath{N_{\mathrm A}}]{Number of Avogadro\acroextra{ (see \S\ref{Chem})}}
    \acro{NAD+}[NAD\textsuperscript{+}]{Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide}
    \acro{NUA}{Not Used Acronym}
    \acro{TDMA}{Time Division Multiple Access}
    \acro{UA}{Used Acronym}
    \acro{lox}[\ensuremath{LOX}]{Liquid Oxygen}%
    \acro{lh2}[\ensuremath{LH_2}]{Liquid Hydrogen}%
    \acro{IC}{Integrated Circuit}%
    \acro{BUT}{Block Under Test}%
    \acrodefplural{BUT}{Blocks Under Test}%
    In the early nineties, \acs{GSM} was deployed in many European
    countries. \ac{GSM} offered for the first time international
    roaming for mobile subscribers. The \acs{GSM}’s use of \ac{TDMA} as
    its communication standard was debated at length. And every now
    and then there are big discussion whether \ac{CDMA} should have
    been chosen over \ac{TDMA}.
    The reader could have forgotten all the nice acronyms, so we repeat the
    meaning again.
    If you want to know more about \acf{GSM}, \acf{TDMA}, \acf{CDMA}
    and other acronyms, just read a book about mobile communication. Just
    to mention it: There is another \ac{UA}, just for testing purposes!
    \caption{A float also admits references like \ac{GSM} or \acf{CDMA}.}
    \section{Some chemistry and physics}
    \ac{NAD+} is a major electron acceptor in the oxidation
    of fuel molecules. The reactive part of \ac{NAD+} is its nictinamide
    ring, a pyridine derivate.
    One mol consists of \acs{NA} atoms or molecules. There is a relation
    between the constant of Boltzmann and the \acl{NA}:
    k = R/\acs{NA}
    \acl{lox}/\acl{lh2} (\acsu{lox}/\acsu{lh2})
    \section{Some testing fundamentals}
    When testing \acp{IC}, one typically wants to identify functional
     blocks to be tested separately. The latter are commonly indicated as
    \acp{BUT}. To test a \ac{BUT} requires defining a testing strategy\dots
    mit dem Ergebnis im Anhang! Ansonsten kann ich bobmalaria nur zustimmen (Minimalbeispiel).
    Gruß, Sepp.-

    EDIT: auf alle Fälle wäre der Umstieg auf das Paket glossaries zu überlegen!
    Geändert von Sepp99 (14-01-2012 um 14:45 Uhr) Grund: Ergänzung




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